The Hidden Genius of Kamala Harris

Sweat the small stuff.

Tim Denning


Image Credit: Wikimedia Creative Commons

The focus is on Biden. I care a helluva lot more about Kamala Harris. The 2019 memoir she published called “The Truth We Hold” outlines her philosophy on leadership.

It’s radically different from the conventional approach, which is her hidden genius. She says she is obsessed with “Sweating the small stuff” and “embracing the mundane” to create big change.

I agree. Big picture people annoy me.

You’ve met these big picture people. You’ve probably worked with them. They spend most of their time defining five-year strategies. They’re too busy to ever meet a real customer, although they talk about them in intimate detail. They overuse the word strategy like it’s going to save the planet from climate change. They visit different offices in different states as if they’re important, and a red carpet should be rolled out for them.

You’re expected to wear a name tag for their benefit because they would never dare look you up on LinkedIn and learn your name. Knowing people is a waste of time. It’s all about the big picture. The big picture is them and their awesome career.

Their leadership position is a bridge to their next selfish endeavor. They require you to opt into their big picture so they can say they’ve done stuff.



Tim Denning

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