You’ve Got To Have Hope — Rise Up
We have got this all wrong everyone. Yes, we have had some horrific worldwide events in recent times but in the scheme of things these events are still very isolated.
If we spend all of our time focusing on the one or two things that have gone wrong in our world, we will never move forward.
It’s now time for us to have more hope than we have ever had before. It’s time for us to believe in each other. We are not a world made up of diverse races we are all global citizens of Earth with the same mission and human makeup.
Each one of us is unique and capable of unlimited possibility, and we demonstrate this on a daily basis.
What does hope mean?
Hope means that when you are faced in your life with two ways of thinking about an event — positive or negative — that you practice letting your brain default to positive first. It means that you start to question everything and always find a way to be visionary in all that you do.
It means that when all else fails, you just believe in the process (along with the lessons that come with it) and know the outcome will be the right one.
Why do we need more hope and why should we rise up?
So you are probably thinking “Tim why have hope right now at this point in time?” The answer is simple: everything in our world is pointing towards the fact that we have to have hope and that we are already achieving amazing things.
Elon Musk has managed to launch and land a spaceship, HIV and other diseases are becoming more and more curable, and the message about healthy eating is starting to break through with the early demise of fast food beginning. I could go on for hours about all the phenomenal things in our world.
Never in the history of humanity have we had so much abundance. Not long ago Addicted2Success launched a campaign to build one school in Laos for disadvantaged children. In a matter of weeks this dream was realised and within twenty-four hours we managed to raise enough money to build a second school.
I mean little people like us, writing little articles about success, are able to have such a massive impact from the laptops of our home office. Hope is at its highest level ever and if we can do it, so can you!
What should you stop doing right now?
So if we want to have more hope, we need to change our lives in a few small ways first.
The number one thing we need to stop doing is escaping our lives. What do I mean by this? What I mean is we need to stop relying on alcohol and junk food, and places like nightclubs or pubs to escape our current reality.
Yes, go to a nightclub or pub and celebrate your big wins, but don’t go there to complain and lose focus of your goals. Escaping your reality will not help you in the long run, and it’s a sign that you are off track and haven’t figured out what your true purpose is yet.
Don’t allow your brain to be numbed by simplistic forms of entertainment and instead, replace these activities with challenging and fulfilling events in your life.
Be careful what you let into your mind and change the proportion of thoughts from fear to predominately hope. Change your media consumption to focus on more subjects that will support your growth as a person rather than detract from your belief in humanity.
What can you do?
Start believing in others and empower them to follow their dreams by following your own dream first.
When you look at another person and are upset with the way they are acting, remember that what you are seeing in them also lies within yourself, and if you can learn to accept and forgive, then your internal power will increase.
You are more than what anyone else believes you can be, and so you can begin to start thinking of ways to create a movement. Each movement has the power to combine with other movements and move us towards a global vision of how we want our world to be in the future.
This global movement starts with one person. That one person is you. You can establish networks outside of your comfort zone and begin to use your creativity for good. The more people you reach with your new vision for hope, the more useful and valuable you become.
Let the energy poor out of you as you give hope to others and feel what it’s really like to live life at the highest level. Don’t settle for second best and don’t be afraid of the impossible.
As you embark on this new journey of hope, remember others like Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson, Helen Keller and Muhammad Ali, who came before you.
Let the energy poor out of you as you give hope to others and feel what it’s really like to live life at the highest level. Don’t settle for second best and don’t be afraid of the impossible.
As you embark on this new journey of hope, remember others like Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson, Helen Keller and Muhammad Ali, who came before you.
Remember how these people of our time started with such simple ideas to create hope and how your vision has the power to fulfil that same destiny. No matter how much money you make the most valuable thing you can do is provide hope to others through your own inspirational journey.
Everything you have done up until now has led you to this point, and it’s up to you to take action and not be someone who talks a good game but doesn’t have the willpower to follow through.
Instead of posting photos of yourself on social media, flood your pages with messages of hope and know that they will drown out the messages of fear.
Rise up your time is now!
All of us have around eighty-five years on average to live on this planet and make the most of the opportunity we have been given. I don’t want to see you waste this opportunity, and so it’s time for you to rise up.
Rise above mediocrity! Rise above what you previously thought was possible! Rise above the stories of failure! Rise above the naysayers! Rise above the fear!
I know I feel an awakening inside myself, and I believe that greatness is being born in all of us who decide to spread hope. I want you to be part of this movement and rise up too.
The way you make people feel will determine your success. Even if that’s just a simple smile or a small gesture, the impact can reach everyone. It’s this small idea that is why you have the ability to walk into rooms of people giving you a standing ovation at the sheer sight of your greatness.
Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!
Originally posted on
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